This guy is all over our site, on our stickers and on our T-shirts. The problem is, we don’t know what to call him. That’s where you come in, and we are prepared to part with some of our precious games for your help!

Contest details…

Ok so here is the deal. We are sick of calling this guy “pointy dude”, “gamer man”, or “guy on our stuff”.

So we want you to name him. It’s as simple as that!

Submit your entries to me at and we will pick the name we like best on Wednesday, April 18th.

All we are looking for is a name, but if you include a back-story or a short explanation it can help for sure with our decision making.

(note: all cheesecake bribes are acceptable and it does not shame your family)

The winner will get three games:

Dragon Warrior NES
Pole Position Atari 5200
Joust Atari 5200

Do you know how hard it is to pull vintage games from the cold clutches of the guys from The Unpaid Gamers? I had to hold them all at Bat’leth point just get get a hold of these games.

So don’t let these guys down because I promised the games would go to a good home. They need fed twice a day, no sunlight and NO WATER.

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