
Award winning author Christopher Brookmyre announces that his first novel in the sci-fi genre will be supported by an online game from leading independent UK game developer, RedBedlam.

The first of two parallel trilogies, both the novel and game are slated for release in 2013. Bedlam the novel, published by Little Brown, will be available in Q1 2013 alongside a Beta version of the online game.

This first 3D game in the series is scheduled for full release in Q3 2013 and is expected to be multi-platform for PC, Mac, tablets, smartphones, consoles and directly in your web browser.

The novel Bedlam poses a very modern-day conundrum. What would it really be like to enter the world(s) of a video game? Brookmyre answers this question in his own renowned style with some white-knuckle action, sprawling adventure, merciless satire and characteristically outrageous humour.

The game Bedlam is a First-Person-Shooter (FPS). It is both a retrospective of the FPS genre over the last couple of decades and an occasionally cheeky tip-of-the-hat towards some of the most seminal and cult video game classics.

The Bedlam project came about by chance. Nick Witcher, a director at RedBedlam and a long-time fan of Brookmyre’s work, sent an appreciative email to his favourite author and the two immediately struck up a rapport. After they met up in 2011 an idea began to blossom and Brookmyre ran with it all the way to the
printer. The first novel is now expected for release in March 2013.

Nick Witcher commented, “It’s been an amazing experience just to start to work creatively on a project with your favourite writer. There’s a definite sense that we’re at the beginning of a journey and it’s likely to be a helluva ride. Given the UK’s distinguished history of producing incredible fiction writers and video games,
this concept is just a perfect fit.”

Christopher Brookmyre added, “I’m a first-person-shooter veteran of more than fifteen years, and I have touched upon gaming culture in previous novels such as A Big Boy Did It And Ran Away and Pandaemonium, but I was only scraping the surface. My discussions with RedBedlam inspired me to create a story concept for both the book and the game that explores the evolution of the shooter genre and reflects upon the increasing role gaming has in people’s lives. It also affords me a platform to make lots of arcane, cheap and downright sick jokes. In essence, Bedlam has allowed me to have a crack at creating a Hitch-
Hiker’s Guide to the Galaxy for the gamer generation.”

Further information can be found on the RedBedlam website: –


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