Ever heard of ‘Super Don Quix-ote’? I hadn’t either. Until I stumbled upon a weird time in the early 80’s where Laser Disc players were the future of arcade machines…but not.

According to Wikipedia, and multiple online forums, a standardized arcade system called ‘The Universal System 1’ was put into limited production due to the popularity at the time of this new futuristic technology called “Laser Disc”. The inside of the cabinet contained basically a Laser Disc player, hooked up to normal Arcade equipment, much like this home version of an MCA Discovision pictured below.

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The components inside this machine were similar to the Universal System 1, and once standardized they had all kinds of plans to release Laser Disc video games into arcade cabinets. The only game that ever made it to the Universal System 1 was Super Don Quix-ote. At least 6 other games were in planning stages for this standardized Laser Disc machine, but none ever made it. Pictured at the top is the dedicated Don Quix-ote arcade cabinet. Pictured below is an Interstellar conversion cabinet.

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