[youtube http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QXAWkOeEeb8?feature=player_detailpage]

With the launch of Dogfight 1942, it’s time to jump into your flight suit, download the game and join the exciting arcade action in the sky! By combining the pick-up-and play-ease of an arcade game, the convenience of digital download, with the depth and production value typically found only in traditional retail games, Dogfight 1942 brings new life to the aerial combat genre!

A fast-paced, WWII air combat arcade game, Dogfight 1942 features three unique game modes — Dogfight, Survival and Campaign — each offering plenty of action that is easy to jump into.
In designing the game, City Interactive implemented incredibly intuitive controls to reduce the need for lengthy tutorials and allow any level of gamer to get up and running.  At the same time, the gameplay remains extremely competitive so that even the most ardent flight game fan will enjoy a challenge.

So get those props spinning, jump into the cockpit and race down that runway, it’s time to fly.


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