“Back again I stroll through Kyber’s gate, the gate of darkness, the gate to the depths of the Ebberon; to find out what is down there. Who is ripping a hole in Ebberon’s plane of existence, what evil is doing this and how can I stop it?  I have accepted the challenge and deeper into the pit I must go, to save my world.” – Lahan Farlance

Segment 2…

So those of you who have been keeping up with me know that I’ve been playing through the new expansion in Dungeons and Dragons online, Menace of the Underdark.

Today I go into part two of the introductory story.  In this dungeon you are trying to find out what is going on down in the depths of Kyber.  The silverflame have set up multiple barriers to prevent enemies from entering but they have been breached and used against the silverflame.  The quest is fairly simple but a bit long, there are a lot of spiders and some nasty spell casters so be prepared with plenty of resist fire potions and some poison removal.  There is a lot of fire in this dungeon so be ready for quite a bit of lava and fireballs from fire reavers.  I have made multiple screenshots this time and because I believe they almost come close to a walk through I will give a big Spoiler alert!  If you want to see what the dungeon has to offer, then please proceed, other wise I suggest you stop looking.  STOP IT!

************SPOILER ALERT***************

So, you start off in a creepy looking cavern, no biggy.

Well, once you walk through the cavern you come across a strange-looking cat guy (Rakshasa) but anyway, he is talking to a drow.  Once they are finished babbling to each other they begin attacking you.  The cat guys are mostly wizards so be prepared to see some spells coming your way.

After you are done in the front tunnel you will make your way through a few more before you are ambushed by spiders, these guys can pack a punch if you aren’t careful and they do have a poisonous bite so try to keep a poison resist potion around if you aren’t one of the classes who already has that spell.

You will continue on through the dungeon, encountering more drow, cat guys, spiders, fire reavers, and hellhounds.  So most of the spell casters like the fireball spell, I would suggest some fire resist if you can muster it.  The dungeon gets to be pretty lengthy, you just seem to run across these guys all over the place until you come to an optional area where you fight a big nasty fire reaver.

As you can see, he is big, nasty and throws a ton of fire.  Beef up for this guy as you will want to drop him as quickly as possible.  He does have a treasure chest in the middle, just hop along the left side of the wall to make it there safely.  This boss is optional meaning you don’t have to fight him, but hey, it’s some well-earned goodies so why not?  Once you go around and collect two crests and put them in their slots you open up the way to the end of the dungeon.

Now on your way to the end you will find this purple area up top.  Now I’ll warn you it is extremely difficult to open this up as you have to pull switches while fire reavers spawn right on top of you and keep hitting you.  This section is meant for a party.  So I skipped it but if you have a group I believe there is another treasure chest up there so go for it.

Now once you make it all the way to the end you will enter a large cavern with lava pools and this lady on top of a pedestal.  You must talk to her to start the boss battle.

Once the boss battle starts she will stand on her pedestal with a shield that can’t be broken and she won’t take any damage.  While she is up there different creatures like spiders, and drow will spawn.  Take them out in waves and eventually a big nasty creature will appear and she comes down with it.  Take them both out quickly as her pet hits really hard and she casts some nasty spells.  For her I suggest using someone with a good trip skill to keep her on the ground while everyone else beats up on the big baddy.  Once they are dead you can make your way to the ramp leading behind her pedestal where a member of the silverflame is there to reward you with an item and a chest.  You then can recall out or continue the story line.

Well there you have it, a quick run through of the second quest on the way into Forgotten Realms.  Stay tuned as I will head into the third quest soon.

Here are all the screenshots I took this time around.  Probably too many this time but I’ll get it eventually.

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