
Heroes & Generals – Beta Videolog 2: Bradley showing weapon tweaks, new ‘Town’ Map layout and a walkthrough of Weapon Modifications.

This videolog shows some of the features of the new ‘Bradley’ update for Reto-Moto’s upcoming Massive Online Strategic Shooter: Heroes & Generals. The game is currently in Beta-stage, so bear in mind that the graphics and sound shown here is still not final.

The features highlighted in this Videolog are:

  • Weapon tweaks
  • Walkthrough of Weapon Modifications
  • New ‘Town’ Map Layout
  • Support the development: Buy Warbonds!

We encourage all gamers to sign up for a Beta-key atwww.heroesandgenerals.com and help us make the game YOU want to play!

The previous videologs covered amongst other gameplay, vehicles, environments, mines, NVIDIA Surround Gaming, upcoming iOS/Android app, bicycles and more:

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