You read it right. The Unpaid Gamers are giving away the COD: MW3 Content Collection 1 for FREE!


The Unpaid Gamers love some Call of Duty, and to kick off the announcement for the next Call of Duty game during the NBA playoffs on Tuesday May 1, we decided to share the excitement and give away Content Collection 1! This will be for any console of your choice!

Heres what you need to do to win.

We want your most CREATIVE game photo. This doesn’t have to be just a Call of Duty photo, any game releated photo will do. This can include but is not limited to:


In-game photos (Must be from your gaming account)

Halloween pictures

Action Figuers with thought bubbles?

Dress your dog up like Mario?

You name it, as long as it has to do with video games, and it is YOUR own creation. So send your pictures to and remember that we are judging on CREATIVITY.

The contest will end at Midnight on Tuesday May 1st, we will announce the winner on Wednesday May 2nd.

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  1. Shery says:

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