We were asked to review the teepeegames.com site content, and as playing and reviewing all styles, platforms, and game types is our specialty, TeePee Games came to the right place.

Here is what we thought about the site…

TeePee Games are self-described as the following:

“TeePee Games is a game player’s discovery platform for social, online, MMO and smart phone games. The service allows casual game players access to the games best suited to their profile, cutting through the noise of app stores and top-ten lists.”

An online gaming “portal”, if you aren’t familiar with the term, is a starting point in which to browse through multiple developers, games, and platforms to play on. TeePee Games specifically has tried to separate themselves from other portal sites by using, according to their website:

“a unique discovery engine called Geronimo, a cross between Amazons recommendation engine and Apple Genius.  It learns and grows with the user, building a detailed profile of what the user has played across different gaming platforms and in turn recommends the game’s content, selected for them personally.”

Quickly realizing there was an insane amount of content for one person to cover, a few of The Unpaid Gamers crew each chose different sections of the site to check out. We then discussed our thoughts and compiled some helpful insight to give people an idea of what teepeegames.com as a portal gaming site has to offer.

Facebook Games –

Richard covered this section, using the Google Chrome browser.

Richard’s thoughts:

The Facebook section of TeePee games shares similar save, like, and skin options as the rest of the site, but focuses on those who wish to play games only through Facebook. This can come in handy for those, such as myself, who use Facebook but doesn’t actively look for its games within Facebook’s actual site. I found a wide selection, including favorites such as Monopoly Millionaire, Farmville and Double Down Casino. The games were separated into genres and helped me to conveniently find the games that I searched for.

With the exception of a few seconds of opening a new page, load times are exactly the same as if you were to open them from Facebook itself. The biggest disadvantage of using this portion of the site is that you have to be registered with Facebook. Now this may not be a big deal to most people, as they are probably on Facebook already, however there are still a lot of people who aren’t registered, and this could deter them. While they may not have every Facebook game available, there are plenty to choose from and I found it easy to use.

(Note: Once signed in the “Your Totem” section on the right hand side of the page lets you keep track of trophies and see your status room)

Online Games –

The crew all played the online games, all using Google Chrome, except Rob, who used Firefox

Reid’s thoughts:

The overall design is simple to navigate, which is very important for me. I don’t like sites that are cluttered and this has a very clean design. As mentioned before, the search bar, top 12, and game types are crucial to sort through an ever-expanding list of games. I was impressed with not only the quality of the games, but also impressed that big name developers such as EA and Zynga are involved.

Of course you have to wait for advertising after selecting a game, but I wish that the game would automatically load after the advertisement was done. I didn’t like having to click the “play game” button, though this doesn’t take anything away from the game quality. I was surprised to find that even though I don’t like racing games, “Speed Warrior” was my favorite.

Rob’s Thoughts:

I was surprised by some of the games that came up when browsing the online section. They weren’t just those little flash games that you can find on any site, they even had genuine MMO’s that are well made and fun to play. I liked the rewards system and the fact that it saved my favorite games so I could just hop back on and get right to playing. I did run across some titles that are no longer playable or have been taken down, yet the links to them still remained. Although that was disappointing, there were so many other titles to choose from I didn’t have a problem jumping back in.

Jon’s Thoughts:

I really enjoyed the wide selection of games, with new titles added all the time, it can almost be overwhelming to browse through them all, though this isn’t necessarily a bad thing. I personally like the default setting of games opening in a new window, this allows me to jump right back where I was without having to reload the previous page. The “Top 12”, and “game type” buttons are very useful, as is the search bar, especially when dealing with the huge amount of content.

The ability to ‘like’ and (+1 google plus) each individual title works seamlessly, and is quite useful. I found some games are tricky to play on a laptop, a mouse would solve the issue, not great for using a touchpad. To be honest, I have never been a fan of browser games, but some of these are really fun.  I had quite a bit of enjoyment with many of these titles and will likely keep the site in my personal bookmarks.  Great time waster!

Mobile Games –

TeePee Games shows the option to play mobile games on iOS, BlackBerry, and Android, but Android is the only platform currently available.

Jon’s Thoughts:

I was immediately disappointed that most games have a cost associated with them compared to the free games available on the full site. Though the majority of game prices fall within reasonable amount for the mobile paid standard, I believe that the game prices need an US currency conversion option. The games are downloaded to your phone, and are launched separately from the TeePee application. While iOS and Blackberry are coming soon, the current absence of iOS titles is very noticeable.

It was nice to see the game quality are up to the par with marketplace games on the Android OS, and I didn’t have any issue with downloading, installing, or playing games on my android mobile device.

Reid’s Thoughts:

Once you enter your phone number, you can download the TeePee Games mobile app for free. It functioned well, and was smooth while I was making my selection. Though like Jon said, I was expecting mostly free games, since all of the other games I played through TeePee Games had no cost. A charge for the games is understandable, but might be a turn off for those who are enjoying the free game experience with the rest of TeePee games site.

The site as a whole –

The rest of the game sections shows a “coming soon” button, which shows upcoming games, and an interesting “test gamers” button that seemingly let’s you sign up and apply to be a tester for the site. This option mentions some interesting  things such as having the ability to “Potentially earn money for testing certain games”.

If you can’t seem to find a good place to start, or would like a better explanation of the site options you may click on the green question mark at the bottom of the “Your Totem” section on the right side of the page. This will give you a sort of “site compass” and explain your options without having to click on every button. This seems like it could be a major feature and would probably be more helpful to people if it was displayed more prominently on the page, but it least it is there.

The Unpaid Gamers all had a positive experience using teepeegames.com. We play all different types of games, and everyone seemed to find games that they not only liked, but have come back to the site to play multiple times. This shows good design, and showcases a site full of quality games. There are things we didn’t care for, but they were minor. We feel the “Mobile Games” section could use the most improvement, though it does work well, and contain quality games.

The Unpaid Gamers can recommend this site, especially for those looking for a quick way to find quality Facebook and online games. 

One response »

  1. Anonymous says:

    Great write up!

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