
Rock Hippo Productions is proud to announce that a new game update, ‘Rumble In The Box’ is going live today for the successful PC MMO-Brawler Brawl Busters.

‘Rumble In The Box’ comes with a slew of new and exciting features, including the all new map ‘Riot Mill’, a medium size arena where Busters can grind their opponents to a pulp. The game store has been updated: every class has received a fresh set of beastly Wildcat costumes & weapons.

Also new in this update are Lucky Keys & Lucky Boxes where players have a chance of gaining these very special keys after each match. Lucky players who received a Key can buy a corresponding Lucky Box from the store which can contain various items such as Hero Sets & Golden Weapons that are otherwise not available to buy straight up.

‘Rumble In The Box’ also features Crews 1.0, the first incarnation of a clan system in Brawl Busters. Players can now team up, form Crews, and check out Crew Rankings in the Busters Centre which is located at
There have also been some great updates to the gameplay: the level cap has been raised from 20 to 25 for more levels of action-packed fun. Players now also have more options to customize their matches, such as the number of kills and match time limits.

Head off over to if you are not yet  part of the fast-growing Brawl Busters community and sign up for the game!


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