
Discord Games, whose debut title Take Arms was featured in the Indie Games Summer Uprising, have released the first update for their new title 48 Chambers today, along with a new trailer. In celebration, the game will be 50% off for the next 48 hours.

The update aims to fix many issues identified by the community after release. The most requested is a new Casual mode where players are given infinite lives to work through the chambers. A new one-life Hardcore mode is included as well for the masochistic. Also featured are greatly reduced loading times, new background colors to mix things up, and a Hardcore Leaderboard for Windows.

48 Chambers is available worldwide for Windows PC and Xbox Live Indie Games. The Xbox Live Indie Games edition is available on the Xbox Marketplace for 80 MS Points. The PC edition is available as a digital download from Discord’s website, Desura, and Indievania for 50% off ($1.49) for the next 48 hours. Afterwards it will return to the normal price of $2.99 USD. Discord’s website also offers a Supporter Edition for $4.99 USD with 100% of its revenue going to fund their next title. The Supporter Edition includes a Special Edition Soundtrack, an Art Pack of game assets (for non-commercial use only), Beta Access to their next title, and credit as a Supporter in the next title.

48 Chambers is a simple, yet challenging overhead 2d game about movement and timing. Players race against the clock for the high score as they collect orbs, dodge bullets and blades, and attempt to reach each chamber’s exit in one piece. They must defeat 48 increasingly difficult and treacherous levels to become the master of the 48 Chambers. Online Leaderboards are included (Windows PC version only).


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