Details on new environements


Worms Next features four unique environments:

      • Sewer – One of a network of sewage tunnels.
      • Rock Pool – A beach view with sea, sand and rock pools.
      • Garden – The garden of a house that belongs to a mad scientist.
      • Farm – A farmyard scene, stretching to the horizon.

Whether it’s a single player mission or a multiplayer bout, the game always takes place in one of these environments.


Worms Revolution features a unique technology whereby the traditional cut away ‘Worms’ landscape is rendered in 3D, but has the same level of deformation as seen in 2D Worms games.

It was a development goal to have the landscapes rendered in 3D in an attempt to improve the game’s graphics and set them apart visually from previous titles in the Worms series. Of course, landscapes will have the same granular level of deformation as the 2D Worms games in order to preserve the classic gameplay.

Worms Revolution features four environment themes. Each theme dictates the graphics that are used when playing a match for the landscape, the background, the base water, various effects and objects embedded into the landscape. In addition, the animations that play as a consequence of specific events in the game change from theme to theme.

An environment theme is made up of the following graphical elements:

      • Background: The style of the environment is set by the background. This is the model of the environment that the landscape and everything upon it sits within.
      • Landscape: Battles take place on a deformable landscape, its shape changes in reaction to explosions caused by the worms’ weapons and utilities.
      • Detail Objects: Matching the theme of the environment, these models appear embedded in the front face of the landscape in order to break up repeating materials and patterns. For example, you may see a Limpet in the foreground of the Rock Pool theme.
      • Wind Indicators: Items matching the theme fly gently in front of and behind the landscape to show the strength and direction of the wind.
      • Base Water: The Base Water sits below the landscape. Worms die instantly if they fall into this. Each theme has a different looking liquid to better match the environment.


Within each environment a landscape can appear with or without a Border. Battles that have borders enabled play slightly differently as the actions of the player are confined — nothing can pass beyond the indestructible border. This also means that specific weapons (such as Air Strikes) can’t be called into action when playing a game with a border. Each environment featured in Worms Revolution has its own bespoke set of borders themed to match the level’s graphical style.

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