
 Gala Networks Europe, one of the leading free-to-play games publishers and operator of the portal, is delighted to unveil more exciting details about the planet Sarnaut’s lore and the Astral space  – a defining, unique feature and important part of Allods Online game play, taking inspiration from all the best elements from the fantasy and sci-fi genres.

With more than 10 000 years of in game history, that started with the popular role-playing strategy games series Rage of Mages, Allods Online will open its gates of the immersive and vivid world of Sarnaut to thousands of Polish players.

Back in history, the planet Sarnaut was once a thriving world, where many societies lived, grew and fought together; warring for larger territories and pieces of land…until the Great Cataclysm occurred. The Great Cataclysm destroyed the whole planet and led to the formation of shattered allods – the shards of land left floating in the astral space afterwards.
After the cataclysm the world had lost its meaning, it was marked for destruction and would have been lost if not for the strength of the Great Mages, who stood at guard, halted these forces, held them at bay, and allowed life to survive and to flourish once again.
An unsteady peace which vanished, almost instantly, with the chance discovery of Astral travel. This new discovery led to the factions being able to travel to previously unclaimed allods, which in turn led to a fresh conflict, to be called the Great Astral Campaign.

The Astral, is a mystical substance holding the allods together, islands formed from the shattered remains of the planet Sarnaut. The Astral space is an evolving and changing place, just like a living being, and can be seen moving from the surface of each allod. Thanks to the discovery of Astral ships technology, people can now travel through it, conducting commerce, conquest, discovery and combat throughout the Astral, while trying to avoid the lurking dangers that it contains, mainly in the form of Astral demons and storms.

Astral travel is facilitated by Astral ships that can be controlled and crewed by players, helped by goblins technicians dedicated to the maintenance of mechanical functions. Players on an Astral ship have dedicated roles, such as the Navigator finding its way through the Astral, the Mechanic in charge of the repairs and the shields, or the cannoneers controlling the ships arsenal of cannons. Each of them need to be at the ready the whole time, to face enemies like Astral demons as well as other player controlled ships trying to board them up close or destroy them from a distance.

With 4 layers of the Astral space players will be able to explore and to conquer 37 allods and to discover this truly unique and breathless game.

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