
Straight off the heels of the success of Double Fine’s crowd funding, JV Games announces it will be joining the movement to create a fun unique game that does not follow the narrow vision of today’s publishers.

JV Games will be using Kickstarter to release its concept “Hard Contact.” Hard Contact is a futuristic,fast action and high adrenalin combat sports game. It is a unique take on the 1996 hit Battle Sport and the 1984 release of Ballblazer. We are going to take these basic gaming elements and send it through the roof with full online multi-player and team play in glorious 3D. 

“We have always wanted to release games that we would like to play, great games that we remember playing,” said Jag Jaeger, project manager of JV Games. “Kickstarter lets us pitch games that are driven by the players and not the publishers.”

Help bring creativity back to video games and join the Kickstarter movement. To find out more information about JV Games’ project, head on over to:


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