It’s all over the internet, and by now you’ve probably come across a lot of opinions from people involved in both sides: Those for it, and those against it. Lets talk about it, and let the poll decide.

Get the info, take the poll…

There are a lot of great TMNT video games out there. TMNT 2 The Arcade Game for NES and TMNT 4: Turtles In Time have been ported NUMEROUS times because they were a combination of great game play and the great story of ninja turtles. Besides other vintage TMNT games, the more recent ones like Battle Nexus, and Mutant Nightmare are pretty awesome too. As are most people from my generation, TMNT were a HUGE part of my childhood. Every kid I knew had the action figures or at least watched the cartoons.

When the first film came out, that sealed the deal. Turtles would be a cash cow for years to come. We are approaching 30 years of TMNT now (the first comic being released in 1984, and many incarnations have entertained kids since the 80’s.

Movies will spawn video games, and video games will spawn movies. It’s been that way for a long time now. And we are all ready to see them again, live action, on the big screen. We all cried out for someone to take the reigns…PLEASE!

And then the name hit us like a ton of bricks, and we never saw it coming.

Michael Bay.

OK…straight up, let’s get the info straight and then talk about it. Lets take a poll and see how people really feel.

Yeah im a little nervous, but let’s try to be fair.

A. As of right now Mr. Bay is not directing this reboot, hes producing it. That does make a difference, though producers usually have a majority of the control that determines how films turn out.

B. He has directed a couple of decent films, Bad Boys series, The Rock, Armageddon…so it’s not like a Uwe Boll situation.

C. Even though most complain about the Transformers series, Transformers 3 alone has made over 1 BILLION dollars worldwide…so there ARE some people who like his efforts.

Michael Bay said this to spark the controversy:

…”These turtles are from an alien race, and they are going to be tough, edgy, funny and completely loveable.”

People complained and flooded the internet trying to block Bay from having any part of the reboot. They even reached out to one of the original creators, Peter Laird (who no longer has any rights to any TMNT material). He said this:

“It’s possible that with enough truly creative brainpower applied to this idea, it might actually work,” he continued. “I’m not saying it’s probable, or even somewhat likely… but it IS possible. However, as I have pondered this further, I have realized that in one way it IS truly a genius notion.”

The day after, he clarified with this statement, as was upset that no one “picked up” on his sarcasm:

“Just so it’s absolutely clear — I think a planet of turtles is not, in and of itself, a bad idea for some kind of science fiction/fantasy story. But as a way to explain any aspect of the backstory of TMNT, I think it is awful and unnecessary.”

Michael Bay has responded with this statement to try to reassure the fans:

“Fans need to take a breath, and chill. They have not read the script. Our team is working closely with one of the original creators of Ninja Turtles to help expand and give a more complex back story. Relax, we are including everything that made you become fans in the first place. We are just building a richer world.”

Kevin Eastman, the other co-creator has weighed in as well (he also, no longer holds any rights to TMNT):

“I would actually encourage TMNT fans to swallow the ‘chill pill’ Mr. Bay recently suggested they take, and wait and see what might come out of this seemingly ill-conceived plan,”

The Angry Video Game Nerd, who is like a messiah to fans of all things cartoons, video games and film, was bombarded with this issue as well. The last part of his response is very interesting:

…”You have the choice to see the new TMNT or not. My suggestion is if you don’t like the concept, avoid the bait and don’t see it.”     (you can read his whole response here)

These are the main quotes that has everyone talking. There are other people throwing in their 2 cents on the situation, such as voice actors from the films, whose opinions vary greatly, but what do you think?

It is an interesting situation to say the least. Both sides have valid points, so lets take a poll and talk it out. Leave your comments and tell us what you think. Try to be rational and fair.

[polldaddy poll=6068047]

4 responses »

  1. banloss says:

    Well, I will have to say I wasn’t very pleased to hear about what Michael Bay’s ideas for the Turtles is. I’m one of many who grew up loving TMNT and never really stopped, I still to this day pop in the first TMNT movie atleast once a year and watch it. This isn’t some tv show that was goofy or out dated, this is my childhood and I’m not sure if I like someone tampering with that.
    Now I will say that unlike a few people I do actually like the Transformers movies, although I’m not a huge fan of the second one but 1 and 3 were done pretty well. I have to say with Michael Bay it’s all hit or miss, I’m just afraid this one will be a miss.

  2. I don’t like it… TMNT already had a great background story so why change it?

    • Transformers 1 was pretty bad ass, but the other two were mediocre.

      I have a lot of love for TMNT just like I did Transformers. The problem I have with both of these full screen versions is the unnecessary changes. Turtles from space…stupid, Optimus Prime with flames….stupid. I mean why change those things?

      Having said that though, the new movie doesn’t change the fact that we have the originals and I am willing to see how it turns out. Who knows, maybe the rest of the film will be great enough to look past the back story.

      But in the end I do agree with you Jessica in the fact that there is absolutely no reason to change what has worked for some long. I have no interest in him finding a way to have as many turtles as he wants. We have four and that is just fine.

  3. For the record, I didn’t like any of the live action Transformer movies. I can be a bit of a purist at times when it comes to franchises I love, especially those of my childhood. TMNT is no different. There are certain elements of a story that you just can’t mess with. Despite this, I will hold off judgement for now. I will keep my expectations low, and hope to be surprised.

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