

Different Methods, an indie game studio located in Perth, is proud to announce the release their turn-based strategy game – Tanktical! Developed for the Apple iPad purely as a two person pass n’ play game, Tanktical has been approved for release on App Store as of today, the 21st of March 2012 and is free to download.

Tanktical is a turn based strategy game which doesn’t take itself too seriously, it focuses on the social aspect of gaming and has the feel of a old time table-top war game. Players compete against each other, each with a single tank, attempting to eliminate their enemy. The face to face aspect of the this game helps build tension and brings out the fight or flight instinct in all. Due to the turn base nature of the game, players can develop and adapt their strategy as the game progresses, whether that be stealthy in nature or a full frontal assault.

Features include: various destructible environments including sheep and a choice of assault options comprising of EMPS, shells and exploding barrels.


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