[youtube https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AiAIcAG5x08]

Wednesday, 2nd September at 18:00 BST, DeeJ (Bungie Community Manager) will host a livestream straight from the studio with Ben Wommack (Designer), community guest Laced Up Lauren and special closing guest Luke Smith. They’ll be venturing deep within the Dreadnaught, Patrolling its dark halls in search of loot, adventure and player instigated public events.

The livestream will be viewable here: http://www.twitch.tv/bungie . In advance of the stream, please feel free to post the attached tune-in video:

Destiny: The Taken King, will be available on Tuesday, 15th September.

The community can interact directly with the developers at www.Bungie.net , www.facebook.com/Bungie and @Bungie on Twitter. For game information, visit www.DestinyTheGame.com and follow the official Destiny social channels at www.facebook.com/DestinyTheGame and @DestinyTheGame on Twitter.

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