[youtube http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PllOhdD-MuU?feature=player_embedded]

In a last-minute effort to seize the world’s attention, the 2-man team at Zero Point Software have created a video that suggests, that the adventure of Interstellar Marines might just be over – before it’s even begun!
In a recent video update, Zero Point Software announced that they’ve been fortunate enough to get Terri Brosius (voice of SHODAN in the System Shock series) on board, acting as the voice of SARA, the all-encompassing AI character of Interstellar Marines. But this announcement may be a moot point.

Zero Point Software is currently on Kickstarter with their ambitious indie FPS title Interstellar Marines: Prologue, and have raised $130K of the $600K with 4 days remaining.

Check out the Kickstarter Here

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