Let us introduce Pamela Horton. Hailing from Wichita, Kansas comes the newest Playmate of the Month, Miss October. Pamela is both a Multimedia Artist as well as an avid Gamer. Enjoying such activities as Painting, Sculpting, Glass blowing and League of Legends, she certainly has a lot on her plate. Luckily for us, the beautiful Miss October took a few minutes out of her busy schedule for us to get to know her a little better.

UG: What is it like growing up in Kansas? Did you have a hard time breaking out and gaining media attention from there?

Pamela: I was actually born and raised in Los Angeles, CA. I moved out here when I was still in elementary school, and grew up in small towns around Wichita. It was never an aspiration of mine to get into modeling. When I was in high school I wanted to be an Art Therapist. I was brought into modeling at 18 by a very good photographer who introduced me to the do’s and don’t’s of the industry. I’ve been nude modeling since then, so I’ve always been very comfortable with nude photography. How I was found by playboy is a completely different story.

UG: Modeling for the biggest and most significant Adult Magazine is quite the honor, How did you get involved with Playboy?

Pamela: One of their submitting photographers in Chicago saw me and wanted to submit me for Cyber Girl. He sent in my pictures and his editor said she wanted me to come in for a Playmate test! That was the very beginning! 🙂

UG: Congratulations on receiving Playmate of the Month. What was your reaction when you heard you were Miss October 2012?

Pamela: My mom and I embraced each other and cried a little. My parents are so proud! I was driving on my way somewhere and I got the call and just drove with my mouth gaping open.

UG: Aside from gaining the title of Miss October, What kind of other benefits do you gain from such an honor?

Pamela: I got to have a 10-page pictorial in Playboy!! That is more than enough of a benefit!! On top of that, being asked to be on the cover? It’s so incredibly overwhelming!! 

UG: We love our Video Games and grew up playing them, Were you a gamer as a child?

Pamela: My father put a SNES controller in my hand when I was five years old where I learned to play the first sequence in Legend of Zelda: A Link to the Past. (Before I could tie my own shoes!)

UG: You stated that you are “Obsessed with MMOs!”, What kind of MMOs do you like the most? How deep does this obsession go?

Pamela: I play either World of Warcraft and League of Legends at least once a day. How deep does it go?? I got Realm First Herbalist on the server Trollbane when Mists of Pandaria came out. 😉

UG: We understand you are quite the League of Legends player, Wanna tell us a little bit about your Character?

Pamela: Based on the way that was phrased, I’m not sure you’ve ever played. 😛 I have a level 30 summoner account that I have had since the game came out. My season 1 elo was 1355 with Teemo and Soraka in solo queue. Season two is around 1189 because a group of friends and I were trying to train for a 5 man pre-made and that fell through. 🙁 I love being a support/AP Soraka or an AP hybrid Teemo. I can play almost any champion in any lane except jungle. 🙁 

(Note: You got us there Pamela.  🙂  While we try to be a one-stop resource for all things gaming, unfortunately being “Unpaid” our time restrictions don’t allow us to play everything out there.  Doesn’t stop us from trying. )

UG: I imagine you stay pretty busy with all of your projects and responsibilities, How much time are you able to free up for gaming?

Pamela: I make time! Hahaha. I travel a lot so I spend hotel stays and mansion stays on my laptop when I’m not working or visiting my friends. Gotta level up that Fire Mage! 

UG: You made the statement “I love being known as every gamer guy’s dream”. What kind of response have you received from the gaming community?

Pamela: That quote was tailored to fit the page. It’s been widely misconstrued as arrogant or narcissistic. But let’s be honest. What man (in his right mind) has gone, “Oh my dream girl doesn’t like video games. She’s beyond that pish posh!” Any girl who plays Video Games is “Every gamer guy’s dream.” It’s a truth. 

UG: So you like comic books? What kind do you read?

Pamela: I do! I enjoy any Marvel series. I’m not die-hard by any means, so I don’t know every story line forever. 😛 

UG: Ever been approached by any “Creepy” fans?

Pamela: I have been fortunate enough to have only dealt with very nice fans. Although I did get asked once if I could send a fan my unwashed clothing… 

UG: Do you have any upcoming projects you would like to talk about?

Pamela: I will be starting a stream on twitch.tv here pretty soon of my LoL shenanigans! It will be posted on my twitter (@pamelahorton13) so keep your eyes peeled! 

Thanks again Pam for giving us your time. We wish you the best of luck with your career and hope to see you grace the centerfolds more in the future.

If you are interested in checking out Pamela Horton’s Shoot, the October 2012 issue of Playboy is available now. You can also check out the following link


For more information on Pamela’s Art and Handicrafts, check out Etsy.com and the recently launched website,


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