Interactive Games Ontario 3D (iGO3D) is a government funded 3D gaming research initiative, and their latest work at Fan Expo will help determine best practices for visually immersive stereoscopic 3D gaming.  Often referred to as the Canadian  “Comic Con”, Fan Expo Canada™ showcases over 700 exhibitors to over 80,000 fans and sprawls over 400,000 square feet of the Metro Toronto Convention Centre. Held August 23 -26, 2012, Fan Expo Canada™ is currently the third largest pop culture event in North America.  Gamers are encouraged to visit iGO3D booth #1251 to participate in the competition, and qualify for great prizes. Space is limited!

Partly supported by Electronic Arts, The Battlefield 3 competition at Fan Expo is unique because in addition to being designed for research purposes,
it has never been played like this in tournament form before. While the game already includes stereoscopic 3D support, it has been further enhanced by Dynamic Digital Depth to offer unmatched 3D flexibility and gaming experiences.
If  gamers think they have played in a 3D Battlefield 3 tournament before, they need to give it another go at Fan Expo.

“It is great to see this important research being done around 3D gaming quality, and I hope that in the future, the work can extend to fringe technologies like virtual reality”, said Palmer Luckey, Founder of Oculus, the makers of the upcoming Oculus Rift head mounted display.

All computers are backed by AMD GPU technology, and feature 3D displays like the Zalman 24” polarized 3D monitor, and Samsung’s latest 27” 3D panels based on LCD shutter glasses.  Prizes up for grabs include copies of Battlefield 3, Audiofly headphones, DDD TriDef license keys so gamers can play in 3D at home, and more.  No special skill is required to participate, and everyone will have a reasonable opportunity to win prizes.

“Among other things, this specially designed gaming tournament will tell us if people can effectively compete in stereoscopic 3D and what factors impact this if any.  This invaluable information will help shape future stereoscopic 3D titles so game developers can deliver what customers really want,” said Neil Schneider, Project Director of the iGO3D initiative.

iGO3D was first initiated by The S-3D Gaming Alliance (S3DGA), the official voice and standards body for stereoscopic 3D gaming.  Turning ideas into action, iGO3D blossomed into a powerhouse of 3D credibility with partners including the University of Ontario Institute of Technology (UOIT), York University, University of Western Ontario, University of Waterloo, and OCADU.  Industry partners include Electronic Arts, Big Blue Bubble, Bitheads, JunctionVFX, Digital Extremes, and S3DGA.  Competition sponsors also include AMD, Dynamic Digital Depth, and Audiofly.  iGO3D is funded in part by The Ontario Media Development Corporation (OMDC) and The Ontario Centres of Excellence (OCE).

“After over a year and half of work, it’s time to have fun – and thanks to our industry partners and a great 3D game, Fan Expo will be fantastic,” said Dr. Andrew Hogue, fellow Project Director of iGO3D and Assistant Professor in the Faculty of Business and Information Technology in the Game Development and Entrepreneurship program at UOIT.

Ontario game developers are encouraged to learn more about iGO3D and its findings by visiting its new website at CA. 3D and VR display makers, game developers, and interested media are also invited to visit and join The S-3D Gaming Alliance, and can learn more at

Gamers interested in stereoscopic 3D and VR gaming can visit Meant to be Seen at, the consumer arm of The S-3D Gaming Alliance. Well tracked by industry and gamers alike, MTBS is most recently known as the unofficial launch point of the Oculus Rift and its continuing kickstarter campaign .

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