Square Enix, Inc., the publishers of SQUARE ENIX® interactive entertainment products in the Americas, today announced the voice-over talent for [...]
May 31, 2012
Square Enix, Inc., the publisher of SQUARE ENIX® interactive entertainment products in the Americas, today announced that North American [...]
May 11, 2012
Today Square Enix announced that KINGDOM HEARTS 3D [Dream Drop Distance] will be release in america on
April 5, 2012
New Kindom Hearts 3d screens.
March 29, 2012
New Screenshots and concepts from Square Enix, check them out here!
March 15, 2012
SQUARE ENIX announces the new screenshots featuring a sneak peek of the brand-new world, “The Grid” from TRON: Legacy for KINGDOM [...]
March 9, 2012