Louisville Awesomeness At It’s Best!!!

[youtube http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Hvg2daH677o?feature=player_detailpage]

Video Games?  Not exactly, but this new podcast touches on a lot of cultural goodness that we can all appreciate.  Check out our very own Reid Brown and our good buddy Doug Allen in their brand new podcast, The Combination.  No this isn’t The Unpaid Gamer’s podcast, but it’s awesome in it’s own right.  Do yourself a favor and show these guys some support.

Defiance – Official Video Game Score Review


Maybe you have seen the Syfy series, or perhaps you have played the MMO version of the universe for the current generation.  If you are like me, perhaps you have only heard of this cultural event and while it may look enticing, you just haven’t had the time to dive in.  This was my exact position when the Official Soundtrack got thrown my way.  You be wondering what will make my review so special if I am unfamiliar with the material?  Easy….Fresh unbiased opinion.  I took this approach, jumping into this soundtrack would give me an honest look at the material without having any attachment to either version of the source material.  Sounds fair right?

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The Unpaid Gamers Podcast Is Coming Soon!

man copy clear

You heard right!  Your pals at theunpaidgamers.com will be branching out soon.  Look for upcoming Podcasts that will feature Industry Announcements, Event Reminders, Guests, Live Callers, and a bunch of other Killer Segments all focusing on the subject we love the most….. Video Games!

Stay tuned for details…..

Wolfenstein: The New Order – Announcement Trailer

[youtube http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=E6opaIl8h8U?feature=player_detailpage]

Zach Cooper’s Epic Speedrun ( 3 of 3)

[youtube http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=g0Z6z8AFCc4?feature=player_detailpage]

Louisville Comic Fans, Get Ready!



Comic fans rejoice, we are spreading the news on two local comic events this week.  Derby City Comic Con is coming our way on June 29th at the Kentucky International Convention Center.  Will we see you there?  You won’t wanna miss out on this one, Get your tickets now!

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Zach Cooper’s Epic Speedrun (2 of 3)

[youtube http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LjhV3Iu6Nc8?feature=player_detailpage]

Want To Meet Stan Lee? Here Is Your Chance….



That’s Right!  Stan Lee, William Shatner, Gillian Anderson….  They are all coming to Louisville, KY for the FandomFest.  Check out the complete guest list  and get all the details on the Official Site.

Zach Cooper’s Epic Speedrun (1 of 3)

[youtube http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qoKVucHmMvs?feature=player_detailpage]

LEGO Marvel Super Heroes – Teaser Trailer

[youtube http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sYAXHqCM-b4?feature=player_detailpage]